Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Featured in La Spirale, a French web magazine

Thanks to La Spirale for featuring a selection of my work along with a brief write up.

"Men of iron, copper cyborgs and robots chairs or Victorian creatures steam 1Sthar to borrow uchronies of steampunk. A scent of the nineteenth century and revised by the dystopias of 90 years to promote and lead-heavy rhythms of Isis, Kreator and Napalm Death." - sample from google translation

check out the front page here: laspirale.org/index.php
and my page here: laspirale.org/index.php

Thursday, December 18, 2008


holidays, originally uploaded by 1SHTAR.

New Illustration for Time Out New York article:To hell with Christmas. Three local humorists dream up new holidays.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

alamo ten commandments poster

c2final, originally uploaded by 1SHTAR.

From the mondo tees website. BUTT NUMB A THON 10 POSTER BY JESSE PHILIPS

It's hard to believe it's been 10 long years of Harry Knowles' Aint It Cool News Butt-Numb a Thon events! And this year's theme (obviously) is the Ten Commandments.

And nothing says 'The Ten Commandments' other than a Giant Robot Moses parting the Red Sea, crushing the Golden Calf, and bringing the stone tablets down from the mount...ALL AT THE SAME TIME!

Jesse Philips is the brain behind some of our best (and completely sold out) posters over the years, and he manages to trump himself every time. This poster is 24x36, individually numbered, and is printed by D and L screen printing out of Seattle! Mondo will only have 45 of this print for sale.